
Create Digital Illustration in Photoshop

Create Digital Illustration in Photoshop

In this tutorial we will present how to create digital illustration in Photoshop. In this short tutorial we will learn how to design simple crumbled building into more amazing and fantastic effect through fair knowledge of Photoshop illustration techniques. So, why not have a try…

We have our original picture of the crumbled building.

Create Digital Illustration in Photoshop

Tweak contrast and especially saturation of it. You can do this through Hue/Saturation and Levels or Curves.

Create Digital Illustration in Photoshop

Then place in the boy. I got him from another picture and gave him a mask, removing his former surroundings. Go into layer styles and give him a nice yellow glow. I did the glow by first giving it a white glow on low opacity, then duplicating the layer and giving it a yellow glow on Overlay.

Create Digital Illustration in Photoshop

Duplicate the kid again, and go into Hue/Saturation, put on Colorize and give it a nice warm golden tint. Then put that layer on Overlay.

Create Digital Illustration in Photoshop

I then added in a lot of fake shadows to bring up a nicer contrast where I wanted, without brightening the image too much. I did this by simply painting in black areas with a soft brush. Remember to paint a shadow around the kid’s feet.

Create Digital Illustration in Photoshop

Adding the lights. I did that by using a soft white brush, with some scatter settings. I painted them in white, and then used a layer style to give them a glow. Then I set the layer opacity to 25. Then I duplicated that layer, and instead of white, filled the lights with yellow, and then set the layer to Overlay. I again duplicated that layer, and left it on top of the two others with no additional changes.

Create Digital Illustration in Photoshop

Then I added the dark areas around the kid, to create focus. I did this by just painting in dark areas. On a white background, it looks this.

Create Digital Illustration in Photoshop

Then I used the gradient tool set to Radiant (with black on the outside, and transparent on the inside) to create a darkening around the kid, and set that layer to Overlay.

Create Digital Illustration in Photoshop

Final Result:

At last I added in the text with a layer style glow on it.

Create Digital Illustration in Photoshop

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Reference: mentalmirage

Mahmudur Rahman
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